The river lot is fun to run around on...
The river lot is fun to run around on...
Cheney & Micayla have been friends since birth. It is amazing to see how much they have grown. I am so glad that they are friends!!
Cheney & Deano--they are best buddies. Cheney is soooo excited that Deano will be going on vacation with us this summer. I am thinking that the plane ride is going to be a loud one: 6 kids sitting together!!
Cheney & Micayla trying to get to the top to ring the bell.
It looks like everyone is having a great time--lots of smiles!
I hope your wish was a good one!!
This group looks like it could be trouble-watch out!!
Cheney showing his Mama how it is done!!
Where did I go?? Can you see my feet?? I was 16-18 ft. in the air when I was at the top. It was fun, but it took my breath away.
Me & My Love Bug!! This is what I called him when he was little, but now I call him "My Buddy!"
Cheney, Mommy loves you so much!! I know that I had a great time at your birthday party & I am sure that you did too!! Thanks for being such a wonderful kid. You make me so proud. I know that I am going to have fun watching you grow up, but I know that it will make me sad too.
Team picture-they look so cool in their uniforms. You would think they had been playing for many years (until the game started--then it was CHAOS!!)
This looks like some serious baseball conversation!!
His next game is next Saturday at 9 am. Hope you can come watch! It is fun and very entertaining.
Of course, she quickly moved over to help her MeMe open her gifts.
Check back after the party on Saturday afternoon for updated pictures!!