I have no idea how I happened on Wendi's Blog at Because I Said So! but I have enjoyed reading her posts. She is so funny & has a very unique writing style. A couple of weeks ago, she invited people to participate in a "Favorite Things" swap. Of course, I wanted to participate! It sounded so fun....
My "SWAP" partner was Wendy at Perfectly Imperfect. On Monday, her package arrived. C & C were so excited!! It was hard for me to take this picture before they tore into the packages.
I saw that link but was afraid I'd forget to get something sent and end up disappointing someone so opted not to play. Looks like a fun thing to do though!
Whew! It got there...Hallelu! :-)
Since mine was so late, I have waited from posting your awesome box of goodies. Now I will tonight!
Thank you again for your favorite things! I have really enjoyed getting to you and reading your blog through all of this. Blessings!
Also, I hope you two do go to the movie. I think you will really enjoy it. Since I have seen it, I have been hearing stories of many lives changing from this movie. One couple who had been separated for 13 months went to see it and they are now back together. Pretty awesome, huh?
Fun stuff! I can't wait to do another swap!
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