This spring, we found out that Cheney had an inguinal hernia. The consensus is that he was born with it & it didn't show up until now. It is not because we make him do a few chores!! We found an AWESOME pediatric surgeon & the surgery was today. We had to get up at 4:30 & Cheney was hungry....poor guy!!
While waiting, he got to play his Nintendo DS & he was all smiles. They gave him some Versed & took him back. All the nurses told me that he was VERY BRAVE & so sweet. It makes me so proud to hear that!!

Surgery was over. They corrected the weakness. The plan was to give him an epidural type shot but apparently he is TOO BONY!! Duh, the kid is nothing but skin & bones!! He was sleeping so hard that he was snoring, but his 1st words when he woke up: "I want to get dressed & go home."

Heading home--Logan was the cool nurses' assistant who took him to the car. He treated Cheney like he was one cool dude. I loved how everyone treated Cheney like he was grown up! I guess it helps that we were at a Children's Hospital with people who are trained to work with children.

Finally at home.....both boys quickly went to sleep on the couch.
Cheney is now feeling pretty good--eating well & watching movies. The next 3 weeks will be swimming or physical activity....hmmmm.....
You are such a cool guy. We are all very proud of you. Now if we can just make it through the next 3weeks of video games, movies--NO swimming or strenuous play. I guess you can still do light chores.
Glad the surgery went well! Hopefully the next couple weeks go by quickly.
I am so glad to hear that all went well! Happy healing...
Cheney, you are SO incredibly brave! I was thinking about you all day today because I knew you'd be having surgery. I am so impressed and I hope your Mommy passes on the word!
Yeah Cheney. Glad you're back home and all stitched up. Were they able to go on the other side too like they planned?
I'm so glad all went so well! Cheney you are awesome and such a great sport!
Glad the surgery is all over. You are such a big boy and a great one. I hope you enjoy watching your new movies. You and your Daddy look alike sleeping on the couch.
Wow! What a brave little guy! Hope momma held up well during the surgery too! Glad to hear he is on the mend!
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