Most of you know we live in Texas & spend most of our days in or around the water, but we are having a COLD spell....we aren't used to it at all. The forecasters are predicting snow tomorrow, but I will believe it when I see it. I will certainly blog it here if it does!! Tonight was our Holiday Stroll Parade. It is fun that it actually feels like winter....we have been to the parade in the heat before!! BUT NOT TONIGHT!!
MeMe, Mommy, & the kids....Daddy & Pop joined us later. The propane business is busy lately....people gotta stay warm!!

He is looking more & more grown up every day. Today is my birthday & he gave me a birthday card that said "I will love you forever." I hope so because I know that I will love him forever & more.

My sweet baby girl is looking all grown up too!!
I really think that it got colder as we stood out there like crazy people! I was freezing by the time we left and I had on gloves and a scarf.
What a wonderful way to bring in the Christmas season. It was fun to see the lighted floats, but more fun to see the joy in C&C's eyes. They are going to have a wonderful Christmas--enjoying Santa--but still remembering WHY we celebrate.
What cute kids. Grandma is so proud of you. Chandler keep your warm clothes on.
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