Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dirtiest Jobs

Cheney & Chandler are trying to make their version of "Dirtiest Jobs." They helped Pop scoop alpaca poop!! It was smelly, but they thought it was great fun!!


MeMe said...

I know that Toby and Rocket are glad to get their "bathroom" cleaned up. Maybe it won't be so bad now that they spend a lot of their day out in the field with the horses.
Thanks, MeMe

Gram said...

Yuck! Do you clean your own bathroom? I bet not!

Grandma said...

Cheney, I think I have a shorter handle shovel than the one you are using. Sure looks like a great job for you. Did Chandler like the work? Still a ways to go before you are finished.
The pictures of the Alpacas were sure good.