Saturday, June 28, 2008

Outdoor Learning Center

This past week, Cheney went to day camp at the Outdoor Learning Center. While there, he got to go canoeing, fishing, hiking, and did science projects. It was a BLAST!! On Friday, the parents were invited to a cookout and closing ceremony.

Chandler missed Cheney each morning & was glad to join him for lunch!

The large group was divided into three smaller groups. This is Cheney's counselors, Ryan & Sarah. They are brother & sister...can you tell?

This is Patrick. He was in charge of recreation....Cheney adored him!! Apparently, he is a pretty good athlete & may end up playing football or basketball for a pro team. He is the summer intern at the Learning Center.

I am so glad that Cheney had a great time & enjoys being outside, learning about God's creations!! In his group, he won the biggest fish award....YEA CHENEY!


MeMe said...

How luckly you are, Cheney. You have had great learning experiences this summer. VBS, Outdoor Camp, swimming lessons. Now it is on to basketball camp---then VACATION.

Kristen said...

How fun!!

Looks like he had a great time!

Gram said...

Cheney, you are so fortunate to have a mommy and daddy that will take you to all of the camps and other activities you get to go to.