Before Cheney was born--maybe before I was even pregnant, I knew that I wanted to decorate my nursery in a Noah's Ark theme. I met this wonderfully creative lady at church. Her name is Tammy. Billy & I hired her to paint a mural on the nursery wall. She would come over during the week & paint. Then, Billy & I would rush home to see the progress she made. It was so fun!! Well, Cheney is almost 7 & the room became Chandler's when she was born. Now she is ready for a BIG GIRL the beautiful mural.... no more as of today. It is a bittersweet day. I love to watch my babies grow up, but I don't know if I am ready to leave the baby world behind.
Daddy has been hard at work on the room. Thanks for all you do, Billy. I love you very much!!
Tammy, I enjoyed looking at the mural everyday. It was so beautiful. I am glad that my children got to see your talent every day that they woke up in their room. YOU ARE AWESOME!!
Awwww what sweet things to say. It is bittersweet to see the mural go but we all knew the day was coming. I LOVE LOVE that pink Chandler is painting! Did she choose that shade?
It has been a blessing watching your kids grow and to be part of their lives.
Tammy did such a great job. The colors stayed so bright for 7 years! Cheney and Chandler were lucky to see such art work----and love.
Awww that is so bittersweet. It is so hard when they get bigger isn't it.
Tell Chandler that Anya's favorite color is Pink too. In fact the other day she told me she only wants Pink toys for Christmas. I think her and Chandler are destined to be friends! :)
Tell Tammy she did an amazing job. How fabulous was that mural??!!
Wow, that must've been hard to paint over (emotionally, not physically!) : )
It's my first visit to your blog and I noticed you are from Seguin. I have family there (I live in Arlington,TX but am from Austin). Cute blog and family!
What a beautiful mural it was! But, I'm sure that Chandler will love her new PINK room too!
By the & GO GIRL! Those are my favorite colors too! Such girlie girls...
You'll have to post pictures once the pink room is finished!
Oh my!! I think I might just cry. It is hard to believe that your kids have outgrown all of those animals. But---seriously Chandler--bubble gum pink??? And Dad, you trusted her with a paintbrush on an unprotected floor.
Well, as I look at the pictures of all the animals and all the beautiful work that Tammy did, I too want to cry, but I knew this day would come. I like Purple and Pink too. Chandler, you have a wonderful Dad that is able and willing to do all that hard work.
Anxious to see the finished product.Grandma
Sigh... I remember taking wall paper off that same wall about 20years ago while listening to Music Machine. Memories. Hey- at least yall got rid of the puke stains in "Jeff's" room when you changed the carpet. :)
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