Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Good Part...

...of Cheney growing up is that he LOVES to help with things I don't really enjoy doing. He has been begging me to stay in the car when we get gas so he can do by himself. Today, it was raining when we pulled into the gas station so I decided today was the day...

Yes, I know I am probably the only weirdo who takes a picture at the gas station, but he was just so proud. I tried to show him how he could use that little thingy to keep the pump going, but he didn't want to do it that way...he wanted to stand there holding the pump.
Now, how old does he have to be before we let him mow the grass??


Kristen said...

A helper in the house?

I am totally jealous!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

When can he come to my house? I've got some things I think he could do!

And the lawn, test him out with the vacuum cleaner for a couple years! It's sort of similar, right?

Wendi said...

Independence... such a beautiful thing!!!

I . love. it.

Mom said...

Hi there thanks for stopping by my blog! I think I might have found a new read on my reader with your blog. I love when my son almost 4 asks to help, what a handsome little helper you have!

MeMe said...

Enjoy, the helping phase lasts a while before it is gone for good. ha
Actually, he is always a big help--unless he is watching TV or playing video games--typical kid.
I love him though.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, you and your camera! I laughed out loud when I read this post! "Don't leave home without it" refers to your camera for sure, not a credit card!

Gram said...

What a great helper you are! Make it last and last and last....