Monday, August 25, 2008

The 1st Day of School

Today was the first day of school.
Cheney is officially in 1st grade.
Haven't they grown up since last year?

Update: I just realized he wore the same shorts on the 1st day this year as last year...his legs have gotten LOOOOOONG!!!!!!!

All 3 of us dressed in our finest!!

Sassy Girl!!

She is feeling much better & got to go to school today!! YES!!

My big boy with his messenger bag--apparently WAY cooler than a backpack!!

His feet look HUGE!!

Ok, so we are driving to school & I am taking pictures. In this picture, he is saying through his teeth...."last picture, Mom."

Little did he know....I was snapping away!!

Walking into school...this isn't a very good picture...the lady behind was honking at me!! I was very disappointed that he wouldn't let me walk him in. I kept saying "look at all the other parents walking their kids in" and he just said "Mom!!"

Cheney had a great day in 1st grade. He isn't so happy about being surrounded by girls in his desk...oh well, one day he will like it. He has his 1st spelling test Friday...I am already nervous!!


Kristen said...

Oh my goodness!

You all look so good!

Cheney does look like he has grown. The haircut maybe?

Chandler has the cutest smile ever. And adorable shoes to match!!

And I am sure that you were the teacher where all of the kids wanted to be in your class.

Glad to hear that all went well for all of you on such a big day!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a big boy! And so handsome!

I'm scared for this day, too! (And, I have to agree..his feet look a bit huge)!

MeMe said...

My on My!! What a great looking pair of grandchildren I have--and such smart kids, too. I am sure they are the smartest and nicest in their classes.

Gram said...

What a nice looking group of "1st dayers"! You two kids are growing up way too fast. Yes, Meme has handsome/beautiful grandkids. You think she can take any credit for that?

Tammy said...

Have a great year of school guys!

Jessica said...

LOVE your dress! Where did you get it?